Oxygen Tick Event
This event is fired serverside by every entity every 20 ticks (1 second) for each entity in the world. Return false to cancel the ticking of oxygen for the entity.
Example Usage
Entity Oxygen Event
This event is fired every time an entity checks for oxygen. Return a value not equal to the entity's current oxygen state to change the oxygen state of the entity.
Example Usage
Temperature Tick Event
This event is fired serverside by every entity every 20 ticks (1 second) for each entity in the world. Return false to cancel the ticking of temperature for the entity.
Example Usage
Hot Temperature Tick Event
This event is fired serverside when an entity is taking damage from a hot temperature. Return false to cancel the damage.
Example Usage
Cold Temperature Tick Event
This event is fired serverside when an entity is taking damage from a cold temperature. Return false to cancel the damage.
Example Usage
Gravity Tick Event
This event is fired every tick for every entity in the world. Return false to cancel the ticking of gravity for the entity and use normal gravity.
Example Usage
Entity Gravity Event
This event is fired every time an entity checks for gravity. Return a value not equal to the entity's current gravity state to change the gravity state of the entity.
Example Usage
Zero Gravity Event
This event is fired when an entity is in zero gravity. Return false to cancel the zero gravity movement.
Example Usage
Acid Rain Tick Event
This event is fired serverside every 10 ticks (0.5 seconds) for each entity under acid rain. Return false to cancel the damage from acid rain.
Example Usage
Environment Tick Event
All planets tick blocks randomly in order to apply effects, such as freezing water, breaking blocks, etc. This event is fired serverside every time a planet BlockState is randomly ticked. Return false to cancel any effects to the BlockState.